Stress and pressure tend to build throughout the workweek. It’s important for us all to find moments of tranquility and restoration. Restorative yoga is a gentle and nurturing practice that offers a sanctuary of calm amidst the chaos.

This blog post describes the benefits of restorative yoga and provides you with a list of five rejuvenating poses to help you reset your week.

The Benefits of Restorative Yoga

Stress Relief

Restorative yoga activates the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting the “rest and digest” response. This helps lower cortisol levels, alleviating stress and promoting an overall sense of relaxation.

Enhanced Flexibility

The gentle, prolonged holds in restorative poses allow your muscles to gradually release tension. As you sink into each pose, you’ll find that your muscles relax and your flexibility improves over time.

Mental Clarity

The combination of slow movements and deep breathing in restorative yoga helps quiet the mind. This can lead to improved focus, mental clarity, and a heightened sense of awareness.

Better Sleep

Practicing restorative yoga, especially in the evening, can prepare your body for a restful night’s sleep. The soothing poses and mindful breathing unwind the body and mind, making it easier to drift into slumber.

Emotional Balance

Restorative poses encourage introspection and mindfulness. By tuning into your breath and sensations, you can foster emotional balance and cultivate a sense of inner peace.

Five Restorative Poses to Reset Your Week

Child’s Pose (Balasana)

This pose gently stretches the hips, thighs, and lower back. It promotes relaxation by calming the nervous system and encouraging deep, diaphragmatic breathing.

Benefits: Releases tension in the back and shoulders, aids digestion, and relieves anxiety.

Supported Bridge Pose

With the use of a block or bolster under your sacrum, this pose gently opens the chest and hips. It’s an excellent heart-opener that promotes relaxation and helps counteract the effects of sitting for prolonged periods.

Benefits: Stretches the chest and shoulders, improves spine flexibility, and stimulates the thyroid gland.

Legs Up the Wall (Viparita Karani)

This pose is the ultimate relaxation posture. It helps to reduce swelling in the legs, calms the mind, and promotes healthy circulation.

Benefits: Relieves tired legs, reduces stress, and supports lymphatic drainage.

Supported Reclining Bound Angle (Supta Baddha Konasana)

By supporting the knees and allowing the hips to gently open, this pose aids in relaxation and releases tension in the groin and lower back.

Benefits: Stretches the inner thighs and groin, soothes menstrual discomfort, and encourages relaxation.

Corpse Pose (Savasana)

The final resting pose allows you to surrender completely, integrating the benefits of your practice. It’s a meditation in stillness, promoting deep relaxation and a tranquil mind.

Benefits: Reduces blood pressure, relaxes the whole body, and enhances mindfulness.

Join ONE Yoga and Embrace the Blissful Restoration

Incorporating restorative yoga into your weekly routine can be a game-changer for your overall well-being. The practice offers a much-needed pause to counteract the demands of modern life. You can enjoy restorative classes weekly on Wednesdays at the ONE Yoga studio in Denver or via livestream. See our weekly schedule and sign up, here.