By Angela Watts

At the beginning of 2020, we had no idea our lives would shift to a virtual existence. Our idea of normal would spin 180 degrees, like when an instructor cues for a crescent lunge to the back of the room instead of the front. Or a trip to the grocery store becomes an exciting adventure instead of a dreaded chore.

During this odd time, you may find yourself, like I was, hesitant to try an online yoga class. “It’s not the same,” you might say. “I like the studio experience, where I can step away from reality for an hour, connect with people, and use the time to focus on myself.” While I understand that some things online just aren’t the same, here are five reasons why an online yoga class is worth your time.

  1. Just because it’s virtual doesn’t mean it’s not real

I think there’s a common conception out there that online experiences aren’t as good as the ones in person. What I’ve come to learn is simple and a little cliché, but relevant all the same: the experience is what you make of it.

Our reality is created by our surroundings, what’s in our minds, and how we interact with our thoughts and emotions. The studio experience may make it feel real, but we now have this incredible opportunity to integrate yoga into our normal realities – and if we’re intentional, maybe even make it more real. In our living rooms, using household items as props, we can use our reality as our playground to practice yoga.

  1. It helps you stay connected with a community

While yoga is focused on the internal landscape of your mind and body, another large component is feeling connected to everyone and everything around us. During times of physical isolation, finding a community can be a lifeline. And if there’s anything I’ve learned over my time practicing, the yoga community is the most consistent, grounded, and connected community out there.

Besides classes, did you know ONE Yoga hosts a virtual happy hour every Thursday? We’d love to see you!

  1. Maintaining a routine is good for your mental health

Especially during uncertain times, establishing and keeping a routine can help soothe anxieties and develop coping strategies. Before taking the online classes at