Yoga nidra is a practice involving deep relaxation and is often referred to as “yogic sleep”. This guided meditation allows the yogi to enter a state of deep conscious sleep; remaining aware and present. The practice of yoga nidra reduces stress, improves sleep quality, and promotes overall physical and emotional well-being.

Yoga nidra vs meditation

While yoga nidra and meditation share many similarities, there are key differences between the two practices. Meditation typically involves focusing on a specific object or mantra, while yoga nidra involves following a guided relaxation and visualization process. Additionally, while meditation can be practiced in a seated or standing position, Yoga nidra is often practiced lying down.

The benefits of yoga nidra

There are several benefits to practicing yoga nidra. It’s been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, boost the immune system, and promote feelings of well-being and relaxation. Yoga nidra can also help relieve symptoms of PTSD, depression, and other mental health conditions.

What to expect in a yoga nidra class

In a yoga nidra class, you can expect to lie down comfortably on a yoga mat with blankets and bolsters. The teacher will guide you through a series of relaxation techniques, visualizations, and meditations. You may be asked to focus on your breath, body sensations, or mental images. The class lasts anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and sometimes includes other practices like gentle yoga. 

5 tips for practicing yoga nidra

If you are new to yoga nidra, here are some tips to get the most out of your practice: 

  1. Find a quiet and calming space where you can lie down without interruption.
  2. Use props like blankets, bolsters, or pillows to support your body and make yourself as comfortable as possible.
  3. Choose a guided yoga nidra recording or attend a class with a qualified teacher.
  4. Try to remain awake and alert during the practice, even though you may feel deeply relaxed.
  5. Practice regularly to experience the full benefits of yoga nidra.

Yoga nidra is a powerful relaxation technique that can help you to reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and develop a deeper sense of self-awareness. Whether you are new to yoga or an experienced practitioner, yoga nidra is a practice that can benefit everyone. 

ONE offers yoga nidra on Fridays